ao_roc.climbing 1D
Gym info
- ao_roc.climbing
- https://aorocclimbing.localinfo.jp/
Hold info
Climber info
One of the featured problems for the 1st anniversary competition. Run well At the end of the pre-run, the right foot is pulled out in the right direction like a side to side jump. When you start running, release one hand and straight your body in the direction of go. By doing this, I was able to continue running in the correct direction while keeping the distance in the wall. I would not have been able to do it in a day if I did not receive an explanation.
@ao_roc.climbing 1周年記念コンペの看板課題の1つ。よく走ります。 助走の最後は、反復横跳びのように右足を右方向に抜く。走り出す時は片手を離して、体の正面を進行方向にまっすぐ向かせる。これをする事で壁との距離を短く保ったまま、進行方向に走り続ける事ができるという仕組みでした。いやすごい。説明を受けなかったらワンデイできなかっただろうな…。