ao_roc.climbing 3Q
#bluepillclimbing STRAIGHT BLOC for the first time (Although it's a bubble wrap at first) I thought that looking slopy, but actually it was a jugs.
Dyno from the midst of the problem has fear Mental for not hesitate is also important.
Blue PillのSTRAIGHT BLOCを初お触り。(最初のはバブルラップだけど) 丸っこい見た目からパッと見はスローパーだと思ってたら、実は分類としてはガバでした。
Gym info
- ao_roc.climbing
Climber info
#bluepillclimbing STRAIGHT BLOC for the first time (Although it's a bubble wrap at first) I thought that looking slopy, but actually it was a jugs.
Dyno from the midst of the problem has fear Mental for not hesitate is also important.
Blue PillのSTRAIGHT BLOCを初お触り。(最初のはバブルラップだけど) 丸っこい見た目からパッと見はスローパーだと思ってたら、実は分類としてはガバでした。