Rocky Shinjuku 1Q
Gym info
- Rocky Shinjuku
- https://www.rockyclimbing.com/shinjukuakebonobashi/
Climber info
Jumping coordination problem that I did after a long time. It’s always fun! If you hang down with jug and shake your body, You might hurt the belly of your finger that is different from the usual part.I was starting to exhaust, and the direction of the swing was starting to shake. So skills are important for the problem, but physical strength is important also.
久しぶりにやった飛び移る系のコーディネーション課題。やっぱ楽しい。 ガバにぶら下がって身体を振ると普段とは違う指の腹が削れるので、どこまで打ち込めるかは指皮次第な部分も。ヨレ始めてて、振られの方向がブレてますね。下部の練習で吸われて上部でヨレ落ちる。コツもだけどやっぱり体力が大事w