OO - Studio 2Q KUMIKI, Wataaah!
Gym info
- OO - Studio
- https://onlineobservation.com/s/studio
hold :
Wataaah! [Landi XL] [Cintia]
KUMIKI [Pies Large 1] [Pies Medium 2] [Pies Small 1]
Problem with @kumikiclimbing [Pies].
As the name of pie, the beautifully carved shape combines to make a single shape.
It was from the forerunning that we decided to use the hand jammed hold for hand flip coordination as well. If It has plenty of area on the walls, dual colors problem is great
一目惚れしたは良いけど、なかなか日本では触れない @kumikiclimbing の[Pies]を使った課題。